Performance Appraisal Platform
Welcome to Utegra ®
At Utegra we believe everyone performs to the best of their ability when they are managed professionally and consistently and are encouraged to learn and develop, at any stage of their career.
This is why we’ve made our best practice performance management and appraisal platform super easy to use and affordable for all small to medium enterprises and not-for-profit organisations.
At a time when many CEO’s have estimated up to 20% loss of productivity (1 day in 5) because of the widespread disruption to office working and face to face collaboration, we provide a really easy, online approach to structuring your performance management process which can be accessed whilst working from home.
It also allows you as a leader to demonstrate a clear management process across the organisation, ensuring you invest appropriately in your people and align their objectives and development plans with your business goals.
To discuss how you can co-configure your ideal performance management platform, Simply call us on +44 (0)207 112 1509 or contact us here

Request a Free Demo
Call us for your free consultation on +44 (0)207 112 1509 or request a free demo!
Benefits of Utegra Performance Management
Choose from a range of custom configurable modules to match your existing in-house HR processes and your own document formats – no need to adapt the organisation to a whole new process.

Provide a consistent people management process across the organisation with everything in one place online – no more paper trails, collating Excel spreadsheets or chasing paper forms in drawers.

Drive improved employee performance on a continuous basis (not just an annual tick box approach) so that there are no surprises at the annual review.

1:1 management and coaching for lighter touch performance management.

Agree clear and measurable Objectives which align with your overall organisation goals.

Plan personal and organisation wide training and development needs.

On board new starters (probationers) in an easy consistent and properly managed way – no more forgetting new starter review and decision making.

Demonstrate a clear process which proves you invest in your people and that their objectives and development plans align with your business goals.
And at the same time:

Reduce the overhead costs and risks of paper trail of more traditional online approaches.

Simplify reporting and provide rapid insight for decision making.

Demonstrate Compliance to your business senior management team.

Employee User Options
My Appraisal
Optional appraisal frequency e.g. annually and/or half yearly. Your formats, your measures, your content your words and language. We mirror your existing paper-based or electronic process and in-house rules
My Objectives
Seamlessly integrate Objectives into your appraisal process whilst allowing regular Objectives review and update outside of appraisal periods. Simply the most easy to use objectives module on the market - we are told!
My One-to-Ones
Record and review key points and actions from your 1:1 with your line manager.
Some clients are substituting annual appraisal for regular monthly one-to-ones and are effectively performance appraising on a continuous basis to maximise performance and wellbeing.
Personal Development Planning, integrates with Objectives to ensure that training and development planning to support objectives is in place.
HELP and Support
ALL users can: access system and/or organisation specific guidance notes, and can direct support queries to HR Admin support for process, policy or user guidance, or to Utegra support for any system-related or technical queries.
Manager User Options
My Team
Manage your teams 1:1’s, objective setting or appraisals - all from one easy to manage dashboard.
Gather feedback on any of your team members from anyone of your choosing. Feedback can be structured or informal, regular or ad hoc.
A highly advanced module where essential probation actions can be mandated by HR while also giving the Manager flexibility to create probation programs perfectly suited to their new recruits.
Never lose sight of probationers again. On boarding and review processes ensures a positive early experience and well-founded post-probation decision making.
PIP (Personal Improvement Plan)
Managers have the option to initiate a PIP (Personal Improvement Plan should special actions ever be required to improve on behaviour or performance issues.

HR Administrator User Options
Centralised control of the entire organisation while fully empowering all staff to undertake their Performance Management tasks independently.
Organisation Management
Configure and manage your unique organisational structure: Regions, Departments, Teams and Job Roles.
Management of all users profile data in the system including Managers/Employee relationships, and the ability to log-in-as any participant to assist with in-house user support